Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Dreamy Destinations

Just had to post these gorgeous phots of a house in aix en Provence. I love the use of grey with the chandalier and ornate mirror set off with a fresh white trim, and the warmth of the grand dining room. And who wouldn't want a dip in that pool ...I can just see myself with a glass of vino and a plate of yummies from the french countryside reading a good book and contemplating a swim...keep dreaming, I think i will have to settle for 5 minutes peace at the moment.

Photo courtesy of Shoot.

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About Me

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Hi, my name is Sally. I have decided to use my blog as an inspiration journal for my interior design course, and as a way to catalogue my source file. I have an interest in sustainable design both interior and exterior. My style is to use beautiful reinvented recylcled pieces, and to mix these with modern materials, where possible incorporating a sustainable approach. I hope you find my blog interesting.