Friday, March 28, 2008

Why Seedpod Design?

SeedPod represents a fresh look a new beginning, but it also gives a nod to the inspiration we find daily in nature both in colour and design.
SeedPod style looks to nature to provide clues as to how we can design our living spaces, and our living to be more fully integrated with our environment.
With sustainability a big issue I believe we should constantly be striving to be more aware of our environment, and hope my design style evolves to incorporate where possible ethical solutions, or elements of nature to remind us of the importance of our environment.
The beautiful photos of seedpods to inspire you today courtesy of

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About Me

Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
Hi, my name is Sally. I have decided to use my blog as an inspiration journal for my interior design course, and as a way to catalogue my source file. I have an interest in sustainable design both interior and exterior. My style is to use beautiful reinvented recylcled pieces, and to mix these with modern materials, where possible incorporating a sustainable approach. I hope you find my blog interesting.